Senn Leaders say second walkout shows students still energized


More than 400 Senn students participated in a walk-out to protest gun violence last Friday. And Senn Student Council President Rory Hayes said she’s encouraged by the turnout, which she said was just as strong as the national student walkout several weeks ago.

“The numbers were actually about the same (450-550 student) so the turnout was great”

Hayes said she and other organizers wanted to let students use their creativity to address the issue.

“We wanted to find a way to incorporate an artistic take on the subject of gun control (and) gun violence and how we can show our support conceptually of the hashtag ‘NeverAgain’ movement,” she said.

The rally, which students across the country also participated in, was a continuation of a student walkout in February, after the school shooting at Parkland High School in Florida.

“Students seemed to enjoy the performances while also respectfully listening”

In order for this rally to be successful and more engaging, organizers made the rally an ‘open mic’.  Students decided what to say, and some offered musical performances. A theatre student performed a monologue with anecdotes about the school shooting at Columbine High School in Colorado twenty years ago.


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